Saturday, December 31, 2005

In search of a place to be born, part III.

index, very carefully structured, in no order whatsoever, a world of world:
The evil aye or the Evel I;
ring-around a tree of fire; fire;
Treigh O'Feire; Granny Smith's tree;
gonna take your kitty and
sell 'im to a Chinese grocery;
hoja de vida; fire of the trees;
queixos de tetilla
no fume de lume
; me,
taken surreptitiously
as all things; lamp
light burn all night;
mono-desaturated tree, fat
with fire yet still fat free;
flat-chested flowers;
tendril cloth on tender marble;
one fat cat, hip at that sitting
by the fire; why, cats never starve;
where would the queen of slow
sit and sip sloe like a cup
of fire juice, sluicing;
pressing the button, a
hearth that depends
on the heartbeat of
slowness, vision always
sanded by her hope

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

In search of a place to be born, pt. II

this last photo was taken by matt, developed by me

In search of a place to be born

Here are some images that remain. It is what happens when you are mistakenly packed away in some traveler's suitcase, and your body is left behind to wait for the soul to return!

Index: The woods of Luria Park, near my home, where I would hear countless bullfrogs, but saw only one, once; Rosie, pockets full of posies, sitting pretty in her lovely pose-y; a manmade lake, a short walk from home, still frozen, three cracks on an icy Golgotha; where we sat amongst the reeds, betwixt ducks and geese and sunflower seeds:

Monday, December 26, 2005

One about Rosie

from Stories from a forgetting land

. . . Rosie is on the ground passed out with clout. An authoritative run has made her come undone. Seventeen minutes in the land without sun, the night-sky sidewalks of Falls Church. Seventeen minutes in the cold trotting, an infrequent gait for this great red dog. When we returned she chose to sleep, and now that it is night, there she keeps her dream of keeping to her dreaming.

_____mas blend recipes

The Moon's Recipe for Strawberry Jam

(based on a crude drawing by eduardo ramos, smudged in many places)
(also, based on a true story told by someone else, methinks)
(perform touched by the royalty of slowness)


Fresh Strawberries, sugar, pectin, high fructose corn-syrup, super-high fructose corn syrup, sucrose-supercharged ultrafructose corn syrup, pure/basic-elemental concentrated corn syrup concentrate, corn syrup infused with syringes of corn syrup essence, musk of high fructose, syrup of high-fructose corn, lactating corn-based syrup signifying derivatives, lonely atoms all full of unloved high-fructose corn syrup, infinite works of invisible corn syrup energy-matter...

Condense into a gelatinous paste with haste
Place in a mason jar, jam-packed
Create a label that proclaims:
"Strawberry Jam" or simply
Finally, remember to taste

Sunday, December 25, 2005

boy, be generous with your mother

Thursday, December 22, 2005

marcaco's a'murried, or for whom the wedding bell hurried

in tribute to her plenitude of lentitude

She is the Queen of Slow. With her most real touch, she makes waste of haste, lets me live in the world of her standstill of time, simply lets me be. She is a goddess to pray for in the name of Unproductivity, Lollygag of the Ancients, Rain, and Love. These pictures are a toast to the most sublime slowing of all, a reflection from the longest night of the winter solstice, night of longing for warmth.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

from the darkroom of lovesick, images revisited pt. 2

from the darkroom of lovesick, images revisited pt. 1

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Preamble with Banter

Preamble with banter

I dreamt that the sea was drying out
but it wasn’t.
I dreamt that the snow was burning
but it didn’t.
I dreamt I won the state lottery
of poverty.
I dreamt I was somewhere under
the rainbow.
I dreamt impossible dreams,
dreamt that I dreamt impossible
things. I dreamt
that I could not love, but
only dream.
I dreamt I was being dreamed
but I woke up and it found it to be
just a dream.

Monday, December 19, 2005

bison burgers and lovesick

the last day of feasting. day of departure and the hanging over of euphoria.

A new rock band: It's Babalooey

to the eating of the symbols of America

full of it all, pining for what exists

Sunday, December 18, 2005

post-human hot potato and other cool cats

OR: The Mirthday Tapes, Part B

NOW, with CAPTIONS! Ready in 5 nanoseconds or LESS! Fear the passing of TIME!

light one up for fall's dyin' days, three more to go and then we can play

411 West's bleedin' Bloody Marys, progressively worse for the post-human hot potato: John

just your average Sunday morning harbringer of doom, a lucky turkey vulture lurking

two kewl kats, one named: Matt

under the table we are able to see not so lucidly, so it seems

the birfday tapes