In search of a place to be born, part III.

index, very carefully structured, in no order whatsoever, a world of world:
The evil aye or the Evel I;
ring-around a tree of fire; fire;
Treigh O'Feire; Granny Smith's tree;
gonna take your kitty and
sell 'im to a Chinese grocery;
hoja de vida; fire of the trees;
queixos de tetilla
no fume de lume; me,
taken surreptitiously
as all things; lamp
light burn all night;
mono-desaturated tree, fat
with fire yet still fat free;
flat-chested flowers;
tendril cloth on tender marble;
one fat cat, hip at that sitting
by the fire; why, cats never starve;
where would the queen of slow
sit and sip sloe like a cup
of fire juice, sluicing;
pressing the button, a
hearth that depends
on the heartbeat of
slowness, vision always
sanded by her hope
ring-around a tree of fire; fire;
Treigh O'Feire; Granny Smith's tree;
gonna take your kitty and
sell 'im to a Chinese grocery;
hoja de vida; fire of the trees;
queixos de tetilla
no fume de lume; me,
taken surreptitiously
as all things; lamp
light burn all night;
mono-desaturated tree, fat
with fire yet still fat free;
flat-chested flowers;
tendril cloth on tender marble;
one fat cat, hip at that sitting
by the fire; why, cats never starve;
where would the queen of slow
sit and sip sloe like a cup
of fire juice, sluicing;
pressing the button, a
hearth that depends
on the heartbeat of
slowness, vision always
sanded by her hope
dude, really good pics
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